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!  NAME    ||  align="center" | Who to Contact  ||  Description
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|   Unnamed Druid Group  ||  align="center" |    ||   

Revision as of 23:14, 4 March 2016

Here you will find a list of many factions and organizations within the World of Atalan that players can join.
Note that some secret organizations may or may not appear on this list.

Most organizations are player organized, and can be contacted both in game and on the forums. The requirements to join and remain active in any organization is dependant on the organization itself.

The requirements on creating any faction or organization can be found here: Creating an Organization.

Current Organizations

NAME Who to Contact Description
The High Reaches Militia Any DM or Warden+ (Elektroviking, Dust, Stauto) Responsible for protecting High Reaches, and investigating crimes.
The Temple of the Hymn Any DM or Votarist+(AscendantFlame) The Temple of the Hymn is open to all races and faiths, and is dedicated to understanding the Hymn and how it has changed, as well as providing healing, wisdom and teaching within High Reaches.
The Arcane University of High Reaches Any DM or Instructor () A University within High Reaches that instructs wizards and sorcerers the arts of magic, as well as all young people of the city in mundane subjects.
GLADTOMU Any DM, (or ranking member) The Adventurer's Guild within High Reaches
The Council of High Reaches Any Senior DM, () The ruling body of High Reaches, comprised of one member chosen from each of the races who live in the town.
The Knights of the Shield Any DM, (DiceDiceDice) Knights, and Defenders of Torica.
The Hands of Decay DM, ???  ???
Secret Group 1 Any DM, ???  ???
Secret Group 2 Any DM, ???  ???


Non-Human Races and their known organizations

NAME Contact
Chorav & The Moza Doak Any DM
Syl'vae, Vakh'na, Eldryn of the Lady Ast'aera
Gnomes & Assorted Guilds Any DM
Orcs Any DM
Haerkglar, Rwokskold, Hranfel, Vaerglar, Eldryn of Hrasqueel Ast'aera

Budding Organizations

NAME Who to Contact Description
Unnamed Druid Group

Past Organizations

Legion and Auxili
The House of Concordant Cycles
Order of the Pathless Way
The Obsidian Academy
The Nobility
The Circle of Myths
Silver Pieces Mercantile
The Council
Umbra Runa
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