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A number of major rivers and lakes exist and are known to an extent by all races within Eramere. Many are listed below.

The River Ardena

The Ardena River is the most well known of all rivers on Eramere, and is in fact often considered a secondary name of the powerful Glin'Alu. However, the Ardena has its roots within the swamp of the Omgi Ztehh itself, drawing from many different rivers and waterways within it. From within the swamp and wetlands it merges with the Glin'Alu, becoming a slower but more powerful river that can reach well over two miles across before it empties into the Snowmyst Lake. The most notable crossing of the Ardena River is termed simply the Ardena Bridge.

Blurred Mirror Lake

The Blurred Mirror Lake is rumoured to be found within the Tir'Ehtele Forest within the lands of the Syl'vae.

Ekwan River

A river known only to the Syl'vae, Orcs and Zvarkglar, this river is said to begin within the Frostbeard Mountains before merging with the Glin'Alu river.

E'lurin Lake

Considered one of the most beautiful lakes in Eramere, this lake within the Tir'Ehtele Forest is where the Syl'vae have made their home.

Glin'Alu River

The Glin'Alu River was perhaps the most famous border in the endless battleground between the Syl'vae and the Restless dead within the Tir'Ehtele forest. Crossed primarily by the Tella'men Bridge, this river's fast currents from meltwater in the Frostbeard mountains have aided the defense of the Syl'vae for centuries.

Invarin River

The only major river faster than the Glin'Alu, the Invarin dances from the Blurred Mirror Lake all the way to E'lurin Lake with remarkable speed. Attempting to navigate its rapids and waterfalls is often considered an easy way to die.

Snowmyst Lake

Much is known of this lake, please click here

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