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Undead are creatures of which few know of and fewer understand. While the stories that surround them are many, there is only one detail that everyone can agree on; the dead walk. Within Atalan, the reactions run the full gambit from disbelief, dismissive laughter, awe, curiosity and naked fear, among many others. The populace looks to the church of Lethe for the answers they seek; what better church to ask about rotting things than the church of Decay and rot itself? In it's time, the church has had few concrete answers, even as rumors of people raising the dead, arcanists and clerics alike, come to light. Most commoners fear the undead, after all, there is a classic, ageless and primal fear of both the things one does not understand and of death itself.

Outside of Atalan, the Zvarkglar sometimes run across these strange creatures in their travels, bringing rumors home with them. Likewise, the Chorav have tales of such creatures which depict many strange stories such as towering mountains of dead bodies, screaming life eaters, and creatures whose march are as slow and unstoppable as death itself.

Of all the races of Eramere, it is undisputed that the elves and orcs know the most of these creatures, for they have been locked in a tireless struggle against them. It should be no surprise they view outsiders looking of learn of the undead with distrust, and their battles keep them pinned in place for the most part; unable to share their knowledge, even if they were inclined to share.

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