Server Rules and Mission Statement

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Server Rules and Mission Statement

It is the goal of the staff here to develop a world and story, via lore, mechanics, and roleplay, that is fun to play and fun to administrate. The definition of fun, however, will widely vary from person to person or team. Towards that end, we understand and accept that what we produce will NOT be for everyone, nor will we attempt to make it so to the detriment of what we do believe is fun.

Below you shall find the Rules of the Server. These are also posted in game and on the forum, and not knowing these rules should not be presented as an excuse for breaking them. Please do read over them. They really aren't that different from those at other servers, but please do read them all the same.


If it feels wrong, it probably is. Don't do it.


Understand that all staff members are volunteers, and not employees. DM's are Storytellers, not police or babysitters. We expect that people should be able to treat each other and staff with respect, and those that consistently do not will be asked to leave. If you disagree with an action of a DM in any way, do not argue on the spot. Please log off the server, and contact an Admin via the forums. We will listen, take stock of the situation, and decide the next course of action.


Please leave all OOC baggage and RL personal drama in your Real Life if you have it. We are all here to have fun and enjoy our relaxing hobby ... be it via staffing or playing or both. Sure, everyone has a bad day or two, but consistent OOC negativity, raging, and passive-aggressive provocation will result in you being asked to leave.


Roleplaying is required here. Toward that end, you must stay in character at all times, including that of emotes. Avoid referring to mechanics and real-world anachronisms in speech or emotes ... keep such things to tells.


This world is a custom world designed for person 18 years old or older, and under current ESRB criteria would be expected to reach an M, or Mature, rating. Content of the plots and history may contain representations of such subject matter as violence, gore, religious material, and other themes which are not suitable for persons under 18 years of age. By connection to our private server you are agreeing that you are in fact a person 18 years of age, or older. Any characters created must also be at least 18 years of age or racial age of maturity, but never less than 18. We realize the age of consent and cultural opinions differ across the globe; however, the server is hosted in the United States and will follow all US laws and any private hosting restrictions on this matter.


Sexual roleplay is not the purpose of this world, nor is it supported in any way by the staff. We are not applying exact rules upon it to allow for creativity. While we are a Mature Server, we are NOT a Social Server.


Though we have a mature setting and are open to a myriad of topics, we ask that our players refrain from role playing or discussing any of the following topics -- Rape and Child Abuse.


While we do not wish to stifle creativity, using the following names will mean that a DM will ask you to create a new name.

  • Any name that has foul language
  • An obvious joke name
  • The name of a famous person or character
  • Names with symbols or quotes in it, besides a simple ' symbol, as it will prevent you from receiving tells.
  • Any name with a title, including all names with "the" in them. If you wish to be known as Waldo the Magnificent, you will need to earn the title in-game.


Characters with very unique backgrounds will need to be approved by a DM. This includes, but is not limited to, being related to an NPC, coming from a place not currently listed as a known place in Eramere, being raised by animals, or being famous in any profession before you begin your journey. All characters must also be either male or female, not both or neither. Currently not accepted backgrounds include Coming from overseas, starting as being part of any faction, starting as an Eldryn without consulting a DM, and starting as a non-human before requesting access to the race-applicable forum. PLEASE do read the Wiki and the racial guidelines when creating a character. We do not wish to stifle creativity, but do acknowledge and expect consequences to choosing to play a character that would, by their racial guidelines, be considered an outcast to their people.


Players are prohibited from saving XP and not progressing when they reach level up. For example, when a player obtains enough experience to progress from level 4 to level 5, they must do so at the earliest safe opportunity. Players are also prohibited from transferring items and coin from one of their characters to another of their own, regardless of the number of third party intermediaries involved.


Camping is the process of logging out in an area near loot spawns, then periodically logging back in to take the refreshed loot. Do not do this. Powergrinding is defined as entering an area, killing all mobs, logging, and re-logging back in a loop of the same area endlessly. While we have given latitude to those doing so if there are no other players on, do not do this.


Players are prohibited from metagaming. Metagaming is defined on Wikipedia as, "a broad term usually used to define any strategy, action or method used in a game which transcends a prescribed ruleset, uses external factors to affect the game, or goes beyond the supposed limits or environment set by the game. In other words, sometimes using out-of-game information, or resources, to affect one's in-game decisions." Things that you know as a player, may not necessarily be things that your character will know.

This also includes ignoring NPCs, or assuming that they will react in ways that will benefit you. If you plan on doing something that an NPC might react to, contact a DM before assuming that you'll get away with your plan.

Any character you play cannot know any of your other characters, except by reputation or in passing, as any NPC anywhere in the world might know OF someone famous. This only applies if said character actually IS famous. You cannot play two characters from the same family. (Your friends or other players can play your relative of course, should they wish to.)

Also in the category of Metagaming, is using transitions or walkmesh issues to influence any combat in your favor. Don't use transitions while in combat, as in character, the enemies you're fighting WOULD be able to continue to pursue you across the other areas you flee into.


We all understand the need to run off for various reasons in the middle of the game. Please make those around you aware that you are no longer present by flagging the AFK sign over your character's head that is found within the MoA menu bar. If you will be away for 15 minutes at any time, we ask that you log off as courtesy to your fellow players. Staff has the right to enforce this.


Godmodding is defined as when a character has the ability to do practically anything without limits or boundaries, such as when they simply cannot be harmed by any and all means other characters might try.
Player A: *Attempts to punch Player B*
Player B: *Dodges attack, grabs Player A and throws him. Player A flies at Player B, who warps behind him and slashes Player A in the back.*
It is essentially doing anything that you do not allow other players to respond to.

Another example is emoting your characters thoughts. Don't do it. They cannot be heard, nor responded to, so please find another way of describing your actions and facial expressions to convey what you are feeling, or what you are trying to do. You do need to allow other characters a chance to respond and counter-roll against your attempts.


Players agree to treat their fellow players with respect. Harassment, also know as griefing, will not be tolerated. Players who feel they are being harassed should ask the player or group of players to stop immediately; if the action does not stop, it should be reported to the first available staff member.


Players agree to privately report any defect, bug, or cheat within 24 hours of discovery. Players also agree to report anyone exploiting a defect, or they will be considered party to the cheating.


These server-specific mechanics topics have very specific rules and guidelines and can be read here --


Staff reserves the right to prohibit use by anyone, for any or no reason, of any service provided by the Staff. This includes but is not necessarily limited to: Forums, game servers, or websites. Staff also reserves the right to alter and modify the above rules, although will duly post in advance of any changes.

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