Mary Blitheheart

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Name: Mary Blitheheart

Age: 25 at time of death

Description: Mary was a small woman with long light blonde hair that she kept back into a ponytail. She was always neat, tidy and well-kempt, and could almost always be seen wearing a sunny smile. Her voice was usually soft and light, and her laughter tinkled like windchimes. This was most of the time. Like her patron overseer though, Mary had a quick temper. When a violent mood struck her, her colour changed from pale pink to burning red, and some would even say her eyes changed to red as well. A thin sheen of sweat broke out across her smooth forehead, and her facial features contorted from pleasant and harmless to demonic and frightening.

Bio: Most would describe her as a woman with a sweet disposition and an even temperament, but those who would are those who did not really know her. Mary was born and raised in Atalan. A peaceful child for the most part, Mary spent her days like most Atalan children, playing while her parents worked to settle the new lands. Because of the fact that Mary was often unattended by her parents she was frequently over indulged by them when they did have time. Especially her father, who would have given her the world if he could have gift wrapped it for her. Mary's temperament was usually very sweet and obliging, when she would get her way, which was almost always. It was during the times when she was refused something that she would change. Her voice could rise to octaves that would make an opera singer green with envy and her face would contort to display an ire that most villainous fiends couldn't hope to replicate.

Mary fell in Atalan while attempting to aid Mordecai in leaving the Temple.

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