Marius Kolfngiir

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Name: Marius Kolfngiir
Gender: Male
Age: 53
Role: Lieutenant in the Militia

Short for a Valkshir, but tall for a Halmorian, Marius can be an imposing man. He is well kept, his hair always kept short cropped and neat, he seems to embody the typical military stereotype. His arms and armor are all expertly maintained, and his gaze is always keen, and observing.

Marius is the product of a Valkshir father, and Halmorian mother. Named for his mother's brother who died in the Blackspear War, Marius has always sought to bring honor to his namesake. A skilled warrior, and known to be strict in his adherence of the Law, Marius has risen quickly through the ranks of the Militia. His greatest accomplishments being among those who helped disband the Leering Winds Bandit Company, which had been operating near High Reaches in their incorporated villages.

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