Ability Scores

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Strength measures your character’s muscle and physical power.

The Strength score is a measure of how physically strong a character is. Strength controls the maximum weight the character can carry and melee attack and damage. Armor and weapons might also have a Strength requirement.

Characters with high Strength are usually well built, muscular and sometimes taller than average.

Characters with low Strength are usually thin and bony and have trouble at purely physical tasks and carrying weights.

Characters whose Strength is reduced to 0 are paralyzed limp, dropping to the ground like rag-dolls.


Dexterity measures hand-eye coordination, agility, reflexes, and balance.

The Dexterity score is a measure of how dexterous and agile a character is. Dexterity controls ranged weapon accuracy and with proper training, melee weapon accuracy too. It also enhances the character's chances of avoiding hits or other unfortunate happenstances and the speed of reaction to unexpected stimuli.

Characters with high Dexterity are usually graceful, coordinated or even ethereal in their motions and rarely if ever stumble or fumble.

Characters with low Dexterity are usually clumsy and lack hand-eye coordination, tripping over things or themselves and find themselves slow to react.

Characters whose Dexterity is reduced to 0 are paralyzed stiff, unable to move a muscle. Wing-based characters fall, swimming characters can't hold themselves aloft and may drown.


Constitution represents your character’s health and stamina.

The Constitution score is a measure of how resilient a character is. Constitution influences the amount of physical punishment the character can withstand and the resistance to fatigue and internal maladies such as poison and disease.

Characters with high Constitution are usually well build and stout without necessarily being muscular. They are often vigorous and generally of good health.

Characters with low Constitution are usually delicate, frail or even gaunt, tire easily and may be sickly.

Characters whose Constitution is reduced to 0 fall dead, their vital functions failing.


Intelligence determines how well your character learns and reasons.

The Intelligence score is a measure of a character's cognitive capacity and problem-solving ability. Intelligence controls a character's ability to learn and comprehend, thus affecting their capacity for foreign languages, skills and study of magic. It is also an indication of a character's memory.

Characters with high Intelligence are usually smart and quick witted, able to understand situations quickly and derive conclusions efficiently.

Characters with low Intelligence are usually slow witted, failing to understand concepts without simple explanations or often repetition.

Characters whose Intelligence is reduced to 0 go into coma, brain dead and unaware of their environment.


Wisdom describes a character’s willpower, common sense, perception, and intuition.

The Wisdom score is a measure of a character's common sense and perception, normal and spiritual. Wisdom controls a character's ability to understand abstract concepts without analysis, such as morals, ethics, works of the divine, etc., to be aware of one's environment, as well as the study of divine will or esoteric power. It also dictates one's resistance to mental influences.

Characters with high Wisdom are usually calm, certain, even serene, and slow to anger. They give the feeling of one experienced and well-learned and often are exceptional teachers.

Characters with low Wisdom are usually unsure of themselves, unwilling to contemplate dilemmas of abstract notions and have a hard time explaining what they know and are easy to convince.

Characters whose Wisdom is reduced to 0 mentally recede to themselves, plagued by nightmares.


Charisma measures a character’s force of personality, persuasiveness, personal magnetism and ability to lead.

The Charisma score is a measure of a character's social finesse and self-esteem. Charisma influences any social situation, especially those that revolve around swaying a crowd's opinion or leading. It impacts creativity as well as any internally fueled powers that do not depend on internal understanding.

Characters with high Charisma are usually able to tailor their apparent personality to another's wishes, ranging from delightful to arrogant to threatening to glamorous. They are often proud and elegant, and more often than not pay attention to their appearance.

Characters with low Charisma are usually shy, lacking self-esteem, or even repulsive. Quite often they prove provocative or offensive, either knowingly or accidentally.

Characters whose Charisma is reduced to 0 mentally recede to themselves, unable to make the distinction between "I" and "not I".

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