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Luscient was lost during The Sundering. Most scholars of the divine believe he transformed in some fashion into the new Overseer Scorsheth. Below is an accounting of what he was once known for and by, but is no longer accurate.
Name: Luscient
Titles: Helios, the Sunlord, Dawnbringer, the Desert Storm
Nature: Luscient is a passionate deity, and throws himself into everything he does with a fierce focus on the task but often loses sight of the goal. Like many artists, he makes certain that his domain is filled with beauty, thus he makes certain the plants of summer bloom in wild and vibrant colors.
Gender: Male
Time of Power: Afternoon
Portfolio: Fire, Air, Heat, Expression, Experience, Conflict, Sound, Emotions
Favored Alignments: Chaotic
Allows Druids?: Yes
Allows Spirit Shamans?: No
Allows Paladins?: No
Favored Weapon: Longsword
Symbol: A Sundial with 8 points
Domains: Air, Sun, Fire, Fury, War
As Spring begins to turn towards warmth and heat, gradually shifting into Summer, the world of men begins it's march towards progress. The fields have been seeded and the rains have begun to become less saturating. It is in these times that the minds of mortals shift towards the activities in their lives which they do not often have time for in the rest of the year. Although the farmers of the world often frown at the Sunlord's deeds, which can cause droughts in the fiery Summer heat, bringing pain and destruction, and even ruining whole landscapes and cities... others find much joy and passion in the freedom that the Summer brings. It is in Summer that artists ply their trade with the most passion and the most luster, for they have been blessed by the lord of Summer in their expressions. But art is not the only activity blessed by Luscient. Summer is also a time of conflict, war and a time to experience new things. In Summer, it is not uncommon to see the mortals of the world using the stable weather to wage their disagreements on bloody fields of battle. Whatever mortals choose to do in the Summer months, it is a time when passions come to a boil.
Luscient is often depicted by mortal artists as a thin, willowy man with long, thin limbs, hair spiked upwards and with a fierce grin on his face. He is usually wearing light clothing and sometimes this clothing will be depicted as being on fire. However, more than any Overseer, depictions of Luscient vary the most widely, as his many artistic followers often muse on his many aspects. Luscient is said to wield Sunscald, a longsword wreathed in intense fire, melting through the hardest armor as if it was hay, setting flamewaves with each swing that Luscient can then command to trap his enemies, blinding eyes as if they are staring at the sun, and even boiling the blood of nearby foes. Each hit, whether it drinks in blood or bites in steel, fans that fire, making Sunscald more powerful as it is tempered in conflict. For a mortal to attempt to wield Sunscald without Luscient's permission is folly akin to attempting to touch the sun.
Holy Symbols of Luscient are made of gold or bronze, cast to form a sundisk with eight points or cast to a disk and carved to frame the sundial. The symbol of a devout cleric remains warm even in the coldest weather.
The church of Luscient is committed to spreading and creating all of the arts, encouraging mortals to try new experiences, and inspiring those embroiled in conflict with powerful imagery depicting the valor, honor and greatness of war. It is also rumored that some underground temples of Luscient may indulge in powerful drugs and thrill seeking, especially in noble circles.
The Lord of Summer is often worshiped by bards, warriors, artists, swashbucklers and sorcerers.