Marcus Toren

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Old age seemed to hit Marcus harder than those of similar age, going greyer and stooping quicker than those around him. As the years leading up to the death of his wife Ashley Norstrom passed he seemed to lose more of his old self. An upstart businessman swooped in and began to dismantle the network of trade Marcus had labored so hard to establish. Perhaps given different circumstances the appearance of a rival would have stirred life into aging bones but shortly after the arrival of Jerimiah Belatorii, Ashley had her fatal accident and Marcus never recovered.

In the following months, Jerimiah took over all of Marcus' trade networks, and even unseated him from the council after a largely unchallenged run over the last 60 years. The next election saw Marcus attempt and fail even worse at his council seat securing Jerimiah's place within the High Reaches Council and showing that after almost ninety years Marcus had finally worn himself out. After the loss of his business network and his seat on the council, Marcus seemingly returned to the Temple and the Shrine dedicated to Faergol for a brief time until one night he simply vanished. Some still say he lurks in the shadows like any true Faergolite should but others believe he simply could no longer go on without his constant companion and strode out into the wilderness one last time never to be seen of again.

A will was found left on the kitchen table of he and Ashley's house that simply stated, "The kids get it all." And so ends the story of a man from humble beginnings to heroic gallantry, having lived a full life indeed.

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