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Name: Hevetas Falkiri

Age: 46

Rank: Hegati, Office of the Merchants

Physical Description: Hevetas is a small man, scrawny, short, and looks more like a scholar then a soldier. His appearance is kept neat, a thin mustache rests on the top of his lips. His hands are thin and nimble and seem more suited for a quill then a sword.

Bio: Hevetas's size and demeanor has always led other to underestimate him, and that fact has always been his greatest advantage. Hevetas is the son of a merchant and a passive seamstress who came to Atalan because they believed it would be profitable for them. Upon arriving the young Hevetas enrolled in the newly formed Academy which for reasons not completely known, did not take. From his failure as an aesthetic Hevetas took an unexpected turn, and joined the Auxili. While he never excelled at the soldiering part of the job, his keen mind and attention to fine details made for an excellent detective. Being involved, and solving several high profile cases had Hevetas sky rocketing through the ranks. He took his position of Inspector Praeto of the Merchants four years ((before server start)).

Hevetas is now a Hegati within the Legion since the higher ranking Auxili joined the Legion.

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